
SUMMIT PEACE (ALL FACTS & OPINIONS) is the blog for award-winning journalist, broadcaster, blogger and activist Natalie Davis and her community-service radio, journalism, and activism endeavor, Grateful Dread Peace Media.

This peace and justice-minded web site and blog, since 1996, has covered it all: news, politics, progressive issues and activism, the arts, music, books, society and life. Over the years, it has amassed many readers and friends, has been quoted and praised across the blogosphere and in print, and has offered the world the author’s uniquely humanistic perspective (and those of others) on serious and silly issues of the day. The blog seeks to inform, entertain, inspire and enrage, and also presents readers with a challenge: to help make the world a better, greener, more peaceful and compassionate place where every human is equal under law.

Please direct inquiries to GDPM via email.


Natalie Davis

Natalie Davis

Natalie Davis is an award-winning investigative reporter and interviewer who has worked in print and broadcast journalism since 1979. Over the years, she earned her stripes working for WCVT, WCBM, CBS-Baltimore, and Sirius Satellite Radio (New York) and as a contributing writer and editor at the Baltimore Alternative and the City Paper alternative weeklies in Baltimore and Washington. Her writings have appeared in publications (print and online) around the world over the past three decades, including the Baltimore Sun, the Baltimore Afro, Baltimore Catholic ReviewMusic Monthly, Out Magazine, Metro Weekly, Bay Windows, Rolling StoneMademoiselle, Business CreditInstitutional Investor, and many, many more. Her work as a writer, investigative journalist, interviewer, and Web designer has won recognition from nunmerous professional associations, including the Maryland Society for Professional Journalists, the National Lesbian and Gay Jorunalists Association, and the Vice Versa GLBT Media Awards.

Additionally, she is a respected progressive-issues activist. Her company, Grateful Dread Peace Media, is devoted to this, and Davis gives much time and effort to working on numerous causes across the country as an organizer, writer, protester, media trainer, Web designer, musician, pundit, and public speaker. She co-founded and co-moderates the Baltimore Activists Coalition and established the still-vital The Armchair Activist effort, which promotes citizen action for peace, GLBT equality, feminism, progressive issues, and human rights. Her venerable Internet commuity-service project Grateful Dread Public Radio continues to fill the netwaves with diverse sounds and ideas for open minds.

In addition to all the other balls she juggles, Davis is a contributing writer to the Web sites LA Progressive, the Liberal Coalition, and Truth Wins Out.

Davis, a committed pacifist, dedicated Deadhead, and determined bridge-builder, studied communications, journalism, marketing, and economics at the University of Maryland, College Park, and at Towson University. Though she was born in Baltimore, MD, and considers New York City home, Davis presently resides in Summit, NJ, USA, with her longtime spouse and their honor-student teen son; they also have a grown daughter (an aspiring nurse) and an adorable grandson (though if you call Nat old, you’ll get an earful). Any leisure time (as if) is spent playing guitar and performing at peace events, listening to all kinds of music, and planning the next move to improve the world.

Writings by Natalie Davis

samples from Baltimore City Paper

samples from Blogcritics

Ferguson Career Launcher: Real Estate by Natalie Davis and Kelly Tomkies
Coming 4/2011 – Now on pre-order at Amazon
Publisher: Ferguson Publishing Company; 1 edition (April 2011)
ISBN-10: 0816079668
ISBN-13: 978-0816079667

Exercises in #kyndness at kyndnotes – http://kyndnotes.com.
Check out the forthcoming book from Grateful Dread Peace Media, #kynd

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