Blogathon #53 – Good Night, Sweethearts

Well, Blogathon 2009 was in many ways a much better experience than my last go-round, which was plagued with technical snafus and more. This year, the worst thing was the quiet audience, followed by three extra hours I had not anticapated. But that’s all okay: Given the reason behind this adventure — raising funds and awareness of nonviolent direct-action organization Soulforce — it was a privilege. If you were here for any part of it, I very much appreciate your interest and virtual companionship. And if you’ve made a donation to the Soulforce effort, you have my undying gratitude. If you have not done so, it is not too late. I beg of you — do some good in the name of justice, peace, and equality for all God’s children:  Pledge to help Soulforce. Once the link goes dormant, contribute via their online donations page. You will be glad you did.

Belated thanks to the Blogathon crew and sponsors; to Mel, Gary, and the entire Soulforce family; to Jeff, Christy, David, Shawn, and God, to all the artists, writers and wise ones showcased; to all those site visitors who shared in the experience by sending emails, tweets,   and comments. Most of all, thank YOU for reading any or all of the 27 hours’ worth of writing, which is below. I pray you will take it all to heart and help Soulforce.

Wishing you love, light, grace, justice, and peace…

peace sign tiedye

4 responses to “Blogathon #53 – Good Night, Sweethearts

  1. We made it! You did a great job!

  2. Thanks, but if that were true, more money would have been made. I’m disheartened about the whole thing.

  3. Hi,

    I just made a donation at the Soulforce website. I read through some of the articles on their site and it sounds like an amazing group.

    By the way, do you have an email address? I have a question that’s probably more appropriate via email.


  4. Thank you, Daniel.

    I’m at

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